Sunday, March 15, 2015

We Know That It's Probably Magic

Surprise!  More flowers.

The colors are out of order, but it's a rainbow nonetheless:

I tried to find a good quote to put in here about rainbows and flowers or gardens, and the best thing I could find is this:

Good enough for me.

If I count the paper moose, which I will because it has become one of my favorite happy accidents in the history of all time, I have exceeded my goal of ten art pieces this month.  Plus I've got a new one half done and I think I dreamed a way out of my wreather's block on the St. Patrick's Day wreath. This painting would have been the second for the month if I had finished it back when I started it:

Some things have to percolate longer than others.  I keep thinking I will call this one "Lost in the Woods" but that sounds too sad.  The trees are very subtle.  (Remember, that rhymes with Frito-Lay.)

Old Man Winter came back and left a few inches of snow in my driveway, but I'm determined to stay positive and optimistic about the impending arrival of Spring.  How can you not be optimistic when there is a rainbow on the back of your couch?

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